God has given the Church pastors to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. These are shepherds under the authority of Christ, the Great Shepherd who is also the head of the Church. The pastors occupy this office not as patrons over Christ’s church but as servants of Christ and of his people.
Kenneth Mbugua
Senior Pastor
Ken Mbugua serves as Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church. He has an undergraduate degree in Bible from Central Africa Baptist College in Kitwe, Zambia. He has a passion for missions, expository preaching and a love for Christ’s Church.
Joshua Lemaiyan
Associate Pastor
Joshua Lemayian serves as Associate Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Jeremy Pittsley
Associate Pastor
Jeremy Pittsley serves as Associate Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Richard Dempsey Gatungu
Dempsey Gatungu serves as an Elder at Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Caleb Leseine
Caleb Leseine serves as an Elder at Emmanuel Baptist Church.